Recommendations for password policies

Recommendations for password policies

Complexity, uniqueness, and periodic change have long been considered the best password practices, but new recommendations have resulted in changes to password policies. Passwords were supposed to solve the authentication problem. Instead, they have become a major...


Virtual Private Network is known by the acronym VPN. While you are browsing the internet, a VPN is running in the background to keep you safe and guard your privacy. When you use public Wi-Fi, at work, or at home, it’s like having a digital bodyguard who is...
Ransomware Attack

Ransomware Attack

Ransomware is to blame for 27% of malware attacks that were recorded in 2022. Malware called ransomware is made to prevent a user or business from accessing files on a computer. Cyberattacks put businesses in a situation where paying the ransom is the quickest and...
Fire Protection System

Fire Protection System

Any building’s losses from an uninvited fire can be decreased with a fire alarm system that is properly designed, built, operated, and maintained. Property and, more significantly, human life are among these losses. Building and fire codes’ regulations for...